19 September 2024, 22:30



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Aug 08, 2016 Resources

Four benefits customers cannot obtain online

As the popularity of online shopping increases, more and more brick-and-mortar stores are having trouble ringing the till. But there are ways to…

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Jun 30, 2016 Resources

Why furniture manufacturers shouldn’t roll over on their recycling obligations

Nick Oettinger from The Furniture Recycling Group, comments on obligations to recycle bulky waste and how the circular economy model presents an…

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Jun 27, 2016 Resources

How to manage opposing views in the workplace

The Brexit result has revealed a huge split in how people in Britain feel about Europe – and therefore there is bound to be a few heated…

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Jun 27, 2016 Resources

Britain braced for Brexit

On 23rd June, a majority of Britons (51.9%, of a turnout comprising an impressive 72.2% of the electorate) voted to leave the European Union in…

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Jun 21, 2016 Resources

When digital content is part of the furniture

If the new Consumer Rights Act introduced last year sees digital content – and the legal provisions that accompany it –  as an entity in its own…

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Jun 01, 2016 Resources

Building a brand #5 – Broadening

The BCFA observes the impact of multiple brand tactics on its members’ value – both that perceived by the public and stakeholders, and that…

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May 31, 2016 Resources

A poor fit for first-time buyers?

Around 31% of first-time buyers purchase furniture before measuring the size of their rooms accurately, reports Co-Operative Insurance, and, of…

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May 24, 2016 Resources

Building a brand #4 – Value

Since it was established in 1970, the BCFA has observed the impact of multiple brand tactics on its members’ value – both that perceived by the…

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May 16, 2016 Resources

Building a brand #3 – Physique

Since it was established in 1970, the BCFA has observed the impact of multiple brand tactics on its members’ value – both that perceived by the…

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May 11, 2016 Resources

Building a brand #2 - Beliefs

Since it was established in 1970, the BCFA has observed the impact of multiple brand tactics on its members’ value – both that perceived by the…

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May 04, 2016 Resources

Building a brand #1 – Personality

Since it was established in 1970, the BCFA has observed the impact of various brand tactics on members’ value – both that which is perceived by…

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May 03, 2016 Resources

Supply contract termination made easy

Have you kept to your new year’s resolution to end your supply contract? If not, then take a look at this article by Stephen Sidkin before you…

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